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Working on organizing your home? This West Michigan business can help

Spring is just days away and we’re ON YOUR SIDE with some tips to help you get more organized as you tackle that spring cleaning.

HOLLAND, Michigan — Spring is now just days away and we’re ON YOUR SIDE with some tips to help you get more organized as you tackle that spring cleaning.

Betsy Dmitruk is a teacher turned entrepreneur who lives in Holland.

“We always say that visual clutter adds to our mental clutter, and so when we can decrease the visual clutter, that decreases the mental clutter and makes us less overwhelmed,” said Dmitruk.

She decided to start a business at a challenging time.

She said, “Simply Done Organizing originated in March of 2020, right before the pandemic started, which typically sounds like terrible timing. It ended up being great.”

“People were living out of their houses, working out of their houses, and schooling out of their houses. So, organization became even of a key element than it usually is.”

Simply Done Organizing offers full service organizing for your home or business.

“Giving them the gift of calm by creating personalized, organization systems for their home. So, we take everything out, we categorize everything for them, and then we find bins, containers, different items for them to make sense of the space at hand,” said Dmitruk.

She practices what she preaches at her own home.

She explained how, “I really saw the benefit of having three young kids at home and being able to live more efficiently when we had organized systems in place.”

The key, she says, is making sure everything has a place to go.

“Parenting is no joke. Parenting is hard, and so if I could that I could control a little more efficient or a little less overwhelming that was really important to me, and I found that through organization,” said Dmitruk.

It helps if everyone is on the same page.

“It’s amazing when my 2-year-old knows where the bulk of what lives in our house, where it goes. So, I can give him something and say, ‘hey, can you put this away,’ and he’ll toddle over, and he’ll put it away,” said Dmitruk, adding, “Now, it doesn’t always happen. I have to ask two or three times, but he knows where it goes.”

Once you find a spot for your stuff, bonus points for labels, and always get rid of the original packaging to save some space.

“People have said before that this is life-changing service where we are completely changing how their home functions, how they can work together as a family because now they know where everything belongs, they know what they have. They’re not wasting money because they see what they have and they’re not getting lost in the back of their pantry or their bathroom. They know the things they have and so they’re using it,” said Dmitruk.

She also said using the bins in your pantry helps in other ways. Her bin for snacks also helps the family limit the number of snacks they consume in a week. It’s also easier to see exactly what you have so you aren’t buying more than you need, and what’s running low or what you’re out of so you know exactly when it’s time to get more.

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