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Can't sleep? Call 888-890-2040 for sleep-inducing hotline

Having trouble getting to sleep? Casper, the mattress company's weird, throwback campaign "Can't Sleep?" is a "lo-fi wake up call to get back to bed" that just might work.

Man looking at cell phone because he can't sleep, stock image.

Having trouble getting to sleep? Casper, the mattress company's weird, throwback campaign "Can't Sleep?" is a "lo-fi wake up call to get back to bed" that just might work.

America isn't sleeping -- according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) more than a third of American adults aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis.

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Combing blue-light screen time from phones, laptops and televisions and rampant social media addiction, Casper recognizes the need for their campaign in "the perfect storm for sleep deprivation."

So, if you're unable to catch some much needed Zzz's and counting sheep just isn't cutting it anymore, call the toll-free number 888-890-2040.

The number connects you to a hotline of options that go from seemingly normal to oddly bizarre, for instance:

Or, you can stay on the line to be connected with John, who isn't really sure why you're still on the line and not sleeping yet.

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April Stevens is a multi-platform producer at WZZM 13. Have a news tip? Email news@wzzm13.com, visit our Facebook page or Twitter.

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