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'This report compels us all to come to terms with our past' | Report of alleged abuse within Kalamazoo Diocese released

The Attorney General's report includes 52 total allegations, 28 of which involve children. The diocese said none of the accused are actively serving in ministry.

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — On Wednesday, Michigan's Attorney General Dana Nessel released her report detailing abuse allegations at the Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo.

The report details 52 total allegations that date back to the 1950s against 19 priests.

Of the 19 accused, 12 are priests for the Diocese of Kalamazoo. The other seven are priests from other dioceses or orders that ministered in the Kalamazoo area. 12 of the priests have allegations of sexual misconduct against only minors, two have allegations against both minors and adults, and five have allegations only against adults. 

Of the 52 total allegations, 28 involve minors. The actions of 10 out of the 14 priests with allegations against minors took place in the nine counties within the Diocese of Kalamazoo. The other four took place elsewhere.

"Since taking office in 2019, I've pledged to use the resources of my department to ensure that cases of sexual abuse and assault are thoroughly reviewed," said Attorney General Dana Nessel. "Whenever we are able to pursue criminal charges, we do so relentlessly and aggressively."

The diocese has said none of the accused are actively serving in ministry and that several have already passed away. 

"We cannot be afraid of the truth," said Bishop Edward M. Lohse in response to the report. "The ugliness detailed in the Attorney General's report is not the whole of who we are. But it is a part and we must acknowledge that fact and own it. So That does not happen again."

According to the diocese website, those in the report who are still alive have been added to the diocese list of individuals disqualified from working with children or youth. 

Lohse said that there are no currently active priests within the diocese with any credible allegation relating to sexual abuse. 

"It is tragic, appalling and inexcusable," said Lohse. "No one knows this better than you who are the victims survivors of that abuse. You were entrusted to our care and we failed to protect you. There is no other way to put it. For that failure, I am deeply sorry."

The report comes a month after the diocese announced they had formed a task force to review and update all policies involving the protection of children. At that time they also published a list on their website of individuals not allowed to work with children or youth due to allegations deemed credible by the diocese.

That list has been updated following the report.

"The Diocese of Kalamazoo agreed to provide reports of abuse directly to the Department of Attorney General," said Nessel. "I especially want to thank the survivors of abuse, who have willingly share their stories, sometimes after decades of silent suffering. Their willingness to come forward helped bring attention to an issue that has affected so many in our state and our country."

Two individuals in the report have been charged by the Attorney General's office: Father Brian Stanley who was sentenced in 2020 after pleading guilty to false imprisonment for binding a teenage boy in plastic wrap and masking tape, and MSGR. Jacob Vellion who was charged with two counts of rape in 2019. 

The Attorney General's Office said they believe Vellion passed away in November 2023 while awaiting extradition from India. However, they had not yet recieved confirmation from the State Department.

Lohse said he plans on holding a mass of "reparation and atonement" in the near future, along with holding various listening sessions to hear from the community. 

"This report compels us all to come to terms with our past and to admit our failings, but it does not define our future. Together we will work for that day when children everywhere across the whole of society are safe and protected," said Lohse.

Both the Diocese of Kalamazoo and Attorney General Dana Nessel encourage survivors of abuse to come forward with their experiences.

The toll-free abuse hotline from Catholic Charities can be reached at 1-800-873-8336.

The Diocese of Kalamazoo also offers a free trauma recovery program, which can be found here. 

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